суббота, 31 марта 2018 г.

Without the hip flexors, we wouldn’t be able to lift our knees, bend at the waist, or even walk— let alone run! But despite their power, these little muscles are often neglected. Learn how to give ‘em extra TLC with some super simple stretches.


Without the hip flexors, we wouldn’t be able to lift our knees, bend at the waist, or even walk— let alone run! But despite their power, these little muscles are often neglected. Learn how to give ‘em extra TLC with some super simple stretches.


Original article and pictures take https://greatist.com site

4 Hip Flexor Stretches to Relieve Tight Hips: Save Your IT Band and Hip Flexors

4 Hip Flexor Stretches to Relieve Tight Hips: Save Your IT Band and Hip Flexors

Original article and pictures take https://hipsflexorstretchesrelieve.blogspot.com site

Not many people have heard of the psoas (“So-as”) muscles, yet problems with these muscles can manifest as hip, groin, and low back pain. Fortunately, with a couple psoas-releasing stretches, you can help stabilize the spine to help relieve these issues. What Are The Psoas Muscles? The psoas is a general term, but refers to …

Not many people have heard of the psoas (“So-as”) muscles, yet problems with these muscles can manifest as hip, groin, and low back pain. Fortunately, with a couple psoas-releasing stretches, you can help stabilize the spine to help relieve these issues. What Are The Psoas Muscles? The psoas is a general term, but refers to …

Original article and pictures take https://livelovefruit.com site